A good source for Kafka knowledge for the beginners can be found here: http://cloudurable.com/blog/kafka-tutorial-kafka-from-command-line/index.html
What we need:
1. Kafka & Zookeeper
2. AppDynamics Controler (SAAS)
3. AppDynamics Java Agent and Machine Agent
Kafka was downloaded from https://kafka.apache.org/downloads. At the time of writing 2.3.0 was the latest version and used for this article. I installed it according to the tutorial of Clousurable mentioned above.
For AppDynamics I have registered the 15 days evaluation license. From my newly created account I downloaded the Machine Agent and Java Agent 4.5.X. Both where unziped to the home folder of my Fedora 29.
1. Kafka
To enable JMX I have added this line export JMX_PORT=9988 just above the last line in kafka-server-start.sh located in the Kafka bin folder.
To support the AppDynamics Java Agent I have added $APPD_OPTS to the section #Launch mode of the shell script kafka-run.calss.sh located in the bin folder of Kafka. So it looks like this:
Location is important. It must be the first argument after $JAVA.
2. AppDynamics
For AppDynamics we have two sections. The Java Agent and the Machine Agent. Let us start with the Java Agent.
2.1 AppDynamics Java Agent
I have unpacked the ZIP AppServerAgent- to /home/juerg/AppDynamics_JavaAgenet. Configuration of the agent takes place in /conf/controler-info.xml. Here the controler-info.xml. I used. Beside the conroler-info.xml. The someof the fields I passed via -D parameter in $APPD_OPTS to Kafka. I placed this in ~/.bash_profile. The export looks like this:
export APPD_OPTS=" -javaagent:/home/juerg/AppDynamics_JavaAgenet/javaagent.jar -Dappdynamics.agent.logs.dir=/tmp/logs -Dappdynamics.agent.uniqueHostId=$HOSTNAME -Dappdynamics.agent.reuse.nodeName=true -Dappdynamics.jvm.shutdown.mark.node.as.histical=true -Dappdynamics.agent.reuse.nodeName.prefix=Kafka-Broker- -Dappdynamics.agent.tierName=Kafka-Broker -Dappdynamics.agent.log4j2.disabled=true"
Here some Screenshots from AppDynamics UI:
2.2 Machine Agent
Like the Java Agent I unziped the Machine Agent to my home folder. To start it as a stand alone agent I have created a simple shell script:
./bin/machine-agent -p /tmp/pidfile -Dappdynamics.agent.uniqueHostId=$HOSTNAME -Dappdynamics.agent.reuse.nodeName=true -D appdynamics.jvm.shutdown.mark.node.as.histical=true -Dappdynamics.agent.reuse.nodeName.prefix=Kafka-Broker- -Dappdynamics.agent.tierName=Kafka-Broker -Dappdynamics.agent.log4j2.disabled=true -Dappdynamics.agent.maxMetrics=5000
Here some Screenshots from AppDynamics UI: